Recently I’ve been going through many changes in life, and one of the few changes I have yet to update is my own character! So before making a whole new ref sheet I wanted to get a good feel of the new design.
First things first, I wanted to give my character longer hair to represent the hair I’m growing out now, I’ve always wanted longer hair but never had the chance (till now.) My character is a symbolic representation of my personality, and this makes it feel more like me than it was with shorter hair. I gave them curly hair, just like how mine is when it’s not frizzy, and the color is the same color I use for patterns, hex #e888c4, with a white fall off for highlights since I don’t like it being too flat of a color.
Second main thing is I gave my them the “booba” treatment, this isn’t the first time I’ve done this on my character, but they were never saved, nor public. To say the least sketches help me visualize myself and my characters, let me know if you think I should start saving more of my sketches just to show off my design process?
Third is honestly one of the things I’ve been vocal about before in the past with friends, thin wire frame glasses! They are one of the cutest accessories to have with a chic aesthetic and I must add it in there for cute outfits I’m planning! My favorite ones are thin golden frames circle glasses, they give me a sense of nerdiness with style. Even though I have good vision, I’ve been thinking of getting blue light filtering glasses to see if they can help relieving some of my migraines, so dm me if you see any wide cute ones around!
Overall, I really like this colored sketch, it gives me a really good idea of what I will be doing with my character now! My old ref sheet is now 4 year old and 4 years outdated, so I’ well over due for a refresh. In this piece I have my character, Aaliyah, in a natural pastel autumn outfit set in an RPG game, café area. I’ve had some thoughts on making a game one day and just to flex my art skills I thought of making a game similar game mechanics and style to Danganronpa.
Thank you!